Returns / Refund Policy

You can return the Goods for any reason at your cost subject to the following conditions:-

  • You do so within 7 days of delivery of the goods to you.
  • The goods are received by us in the condition they were in when we sent them.
  • A 20% restocking charge applies to all returned orders (unless due to damage or manufacturing defects)

Subject to the above conditions, we will reimburse the cost of the goods only as soon as possible after the goods are received and in any event within 30 days of that date, or replace the goods if still required.

If you wish to return the goods because they were damaged or missing parts when you received them, please tell us about the damage or missing parts within 3 days of receipt of the goods. No liability for damage or missing parts will be accepted by the company after this timeframe.

We request that you keep all packaging materials so that you can return the goods as they were sent to you.

Cancellation and Variation

Cancellation will only be agreed to by the Company on condition that all costs and expenses incurred by the Company up to the time of cancellation and all loss of profits and other loss or damage resulting to the Company by reason of such cancellation will be paid forthwith by the Customer to the Company.

Goods returned to the Company without the written consent of a director of the Company will under no circumstances be accepted for credit. Where the Company accepts the return of Goods it shall do so on such terms as it considers appropriate, including at its discretion the charge of a handling fee.

If the Customer requests the Company to vary the quantity and/or specifications of the Goods in any way then the Company agrees to make such variations provided that the request is reasonable and the work requested is of a similar nature to the contract works and provided that the effect of such variation shall not, when treated cumulatively with previous variations, have the effect of increasing the total contract price to an amount greater than 20% of the original contract price. The performance of variations outside these limits shall be at the Company's discretion.

All variations required by the Customer shall be in writing and the price if not agreed prior to the performance of the work by the Company shall be based on appropriate contract prices (if any) plus escalation in respect of inflation and increased costs of materials and labour.

If the Company agrees to any such variation, any dates quoted for delivery and where applicable completion of services shall be extended accordingly.

For any return queries please contact us by email: